A downloadable mod

This is a mod for Minetest + VoxeLibre, which is basically open-source Minecraft.



Unzip the file into your Minetest directory. The directory structure should look like this.


Make a new world, and enable the "cliff_procjam_2024" mod.  "cliff_colored_parts" will be enabled autoamtically, since "cliff_procjam_2024" depends on it.

This mod adds an "Instant Inflatable Shelter" item. The recipe is four blocks of Dirt. When you place the Instant Inflatable Shelter in the world, an entire building will appear around it.  There's a decent chance you'll end up in a wall. Probably best to play with this item in Creative Mode with damage turned off.

The buildings all belong to a specific fictional culture. They vary in size, shape, color, and decoration, but all chare common features which point to the values and material conditions of the people who made them. I could have gone further making sure every detail revealed something about the culture instead of making as many options as possible.

I could add content and sub-generators forever, but a jam game is not supposed to be exhaustive and polished. It's supposed to be released! So I didn't decorate the interior, or add super-rare features that appear only 1% of the time.

My favorite detail. The rooftop awnings contain solar panels and retract at night when shade is unnecessary.


cliffordius_procjam_2024.zip 20 kB

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